The New Way Of Bus Travel

Now In Bhopal

Experience one-tap super fast payments and change the way you pay for your bus travel.

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Smarter And Safer Travel

Chalo In Bhopal

BCLL Chalo Card In Bhopal

The Chalo Card in Bhopal is a tap-to-pay bus card which stores a prepaid wallet and your bus pass or a Chalo Super Saver plan.

Chalo Card is applicable only on SR2(Chalo buses) SR8, TR1, 115, 116, 204, 208, and 311

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Super Saver Plans For Bhopal

Buy your Super Saver plan right away from the bus conductor and save money with every bus ride

Live Track Your Bus In Bhopal

See the exact location of your bus, know its live arrival time, and leave for the bus stop just a few minutes before your bus arrives. You never have to wait at the bus stop again, and never miss your bus again either.

Mobile Bus Tickets In Bhopal

Travel safer with your bus ticket now on your mobile phone. Never worry about exchanging cash in the bus, or about carrying loose change ever again.

Mobile Bus Passes In Bhopal

Travel safer with your bus pass now on your mobile phone. You never have to visit a pass counter or wait in the queue ever again. Travel safer with no worries about exchanging cash or carrying loose change ever again.

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Live Passenger Indicator In Bhopal

See how many passengers are already on the bus against the recommended capacity, so you can choose a less crowded bus and travel safer.

Chalo Stories In


Chalo-wali Diwali

Chalo lit up Bhopal’s most popular junction, Board Office, during Diwali in our own unique style.

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Santa Promoting Ticket Bus Travel

Santa rode on Bhopal’s buses to check passengers’ tickets, and rewarded all passengers with correct tickets with chocolates and sweets.

Buy Ticket At The Bus Stop

Chalo has launched a unique initiative at crowded bus stops in Bhopal where passengers can buy their bus ticket even before their bus arrives. This saves them the trouble of buying a ticket in the bus during rush hour.